Merely labelling the hate-crime enhancement as a "sentencing factor" could not allow New Jersey to escape constitutional requirements.
Labor unions, environmentalists, self-declared anarchists and others who merely label themselves as anti-Bush or anti-Republican are making plans to turn out.
If a body of water is labeled merely as lake then there are no such obligations.
The first signpost merely labeled I-395 as it continued and the crossing road as State Route 244.
Lawmakers, now labeled merely "private citizens" by the increasingly self-confident Yeltsin Government, huddle with one another.
An oil that is labeled merely "imported" was probably shipped in bulk and bottled in the United States.
The game saving feature was simplified as well, with each game saved automatically when the player quit and merely labeled by their character's name.
The usual arbiters of newsworthiness, stripped of their accustomed role in filtering reality, had to be content with merely labeling it.
The House of Lords held that the words used did not fall under s 13, because they were merely labelling which vessel was involved.
He encourages the reader to see and understand the dignified playfulness of Mapplethorpe's erotic work instead of merely labeling the photographs pornographic or not.