Actually, they merely pose a challenge - to find good Bordeaux for a reasonable cost.
Merely posing the question offends most people.
Later he asserted that Mr. Rubaie was, in fact, an Iranian merely posing as an Iraqi.
He was not a Vagrant, but merely posing as such so that he could travel without hindrance or suspicion.
Neither answer would be satisfying, but trials don't have the luxury of merely posing profound questions.
I'm merely posing a theoretical question.
I was merely posing a hypothesis.
Frazier puts definitively to rest any suspicion that Moore merely posed as a roue for scandalous effect.
You can almost hear the law professor in Dershowitz telling his students to accept the facts as offered, for they merely pose the question.
I'll admit it: there are times when a man postures and poses merely for effect.