The ship merely resumed its bizarre squatting position, targeted the da Vinci with deadly accuracy, and returned fire.
We merely resumed earlier silences, no longer frought with disapproval.
Actually, ' Hattie' Would merely resume her own Italian personality.
You need not attend her at all; merely resume your duties, and all else will take care of itself.
They merely resumed supping.
They hurried back into the ship but, now that the hold was wide open, Kris saw that one veered forward while the other merely resumed his labours.
It merely resumed its bucking and turning, trying to work him loose.
Gargravarr made no reply, but merely resumed his mournful humming till they reached the tarnished steel dome in the middle of the plain.
Our people in place will merely resume their lives in the military and intelligence agencies as before.
In expanding and modernizing production here, Mexican wine makers are merely resuming the historical role they once played.