Bermuda companies that merely sell reinsurance to independent American firms would not be affected.
In late 2002 the Abrahams commercialized the operation and began to merely sell their bogus diplomas by using agents.
He's not part of anybody's youth movement, nor is he particularly interested in being a sideshow, merely selling tickets.
But if Paine Webber has such a clairvoyant broker, he shouldn't be merely selling its funds.
Others merely sell bread supplied by larger bakeries.
He describes his business mission in terms much grander than merely selling vitamins to the masses.
You must remember, he doesn't merely sell death, he sells a nation's secrets.
If those responsible can easily avoid their responsibilities by merely selling on to someone else, there is no accountability.
Rather, the firm merely sold advice about tax shelters, it has said in court papers and public statements.
Vendors do not merely sell machines to elections departments.