The hazy ochre of the sky merged imperceptibly with the haze of the canyon floor.
The surface of the plateau slopes gently to the northwest and merges imperceptibly into the Interior Plains.
Its southwestern end merges imperceptibly into Belleknowes.
Once the track came down out of the mountains, it merged imperceptibly with a series of sunken country lanes meandering through the fields.
Her eyes were deeply set and the line of her nose merged imperceptibly with her forehead.
A precisely-tuned blanket surrounded his speedster-blanket which merged imperceptibly into, and in effect became an integral part of, the barrier itself.
The days passed, and the winter began merging imperceptibly into the Northland spring that comes like a thunderbolt of suddenness.
Their political fallowings merged naturally and imperceptibly into their naval followings.
All other dialects of English merge imperceptibly into one another.
Through his descriptions, the narrator's voice merges imperceptibly into the tone of the people he is describing, often extending into the characters' most personal thoughts.