In 1983, it merged with its competitor, the County Leader.
In 1982 Storebrand merged with its competitor, insurance company Norden, to form the Storebrand-Norden group.
In 1997 McDonnell Douglas merged with its former competitor, Boeing.
In 2001, under new management, the company merged with its main competitor,
The Herald merged with its main competitor, the Sharon News-Telegraph, May 13, 1935.
Its publication ended on 13 September 1924 when it was merged with its competitor, the Ballarat Courier.
In 1989, it merged with its largest competitor, Premdor.
In 1987 he decided to merge with its Swiss competitor - Brown Boveri Ltd.
Clearly, Ames management thought the opportunity to merge with its biggest competitor was too good to pass up.
Our proposition to merge with our nearest competitor has been accepted.