The merger would unite two of the oldest companies in biotechnology and some of the industry's most lucrative products.
The merger of Cryovac and Sealed Air unites two companies that were both product pioneers.
The merger will unite two of Silicon Valley's leading electronics companies to create an enterprise with revenues approaching $1 billion.
But what happens when the lawyers and clients are the same and the merger unites three law firms in three different time zones?
If consummated, the merger would unite the West's biggest mining interests.
The proposed merger of the Lotus Development Corporation and Novell Inc., announced earlier this month, will unite two companies that dominate their respective fields.
This merger united about 400 Oneness Pentecostal ministers.
The merger unites two charismatic leaders of organized labor, Mr. Wilhelm and Unite's president, Bruce Raynor.
The two Toledo-based companies said the merger would unite Champion's famous name with Dana's far-flung distribution system.
The merger will also unite Christian Dior Fragrances and Givenchy Perfumes.