Centaine herself turned out to be the main attraction, clad in a mermaid costume of her own design.
A photograph of the dancer in her mermaid costume drew The Shadow's calm gaze for only an instant.
He reels in the bottom half of her mermaid costume, leaving the irate Jennifer floating in the water without pants.
The reason: it's an all-girls stand, with mermaid costumes as the theme!
She hired actresses to lounge in the pool in mermaid costumes, with shells and string as tops.
Grant has admitted many times that her idea of the video was having a lot of kids in diapers in it, with her wearing a mermaid costume.
The mermaid costume is kicking around somewhere only we never had anybody who could fit it.
In the solitude of the pit, Margo changed to the mermaid costume, which was an achievement in itself.
Thus poised, she slid right into the mermaid costume, filling it as she landed on a mat of artificial seaweed in the corner of the pit.
Meanwhile, her Marina act finished, Margo was trying to work out of the mermaid costume when she heard a snorty backfire from behind the tent.