Then she turned and faced the two men, a merry look of unalterable gaiety dancing in her eyes.
"I'm glad to have surprised you for a change," he told her, with a suspiciously merry look in his eyes.
He was a small, bald, pot-bellied man with a sharp, merry look in his eye and a stylus tucked back of his ear.
Nurse See where she comes from shrift with merry look.
She gave him a merry look, as if she took his words for a compliment, and bent her knees in playful curtsey.
Good night, miss," and Tony walked away with a merry look on his face, that Nelly would not have understood if she had seen it.
Sandy gave him a merry look over the rim of her glass.
She always had such a merry look, but it isn't there for me now.
She reached up again to angle the brim and gave him a merry look.
His company must do his minions grace, Whilst I at home starve for a merry look.