Kerene's door, bearing a sword lacquered in red, gold and black, also stood open, with the sounds of merry music coming out.
The communal feel of the lyrical or merry music is still strong.
It made merry music as it moved, so it didn't seem dangerous.
The merry mechanical music of a GameBoy cracked the tension.
Hot food, a glowing fire and merry music lifted the spirits of the travelers.
One brain can govern many men; also, harps make merry music at a feast.
The merry music in the local mall.
At exactly eight o'clock there was the sound of merry music from a piano on the curtained stage.
He failed, and it burst forth, a merry music on the hot summer's night.
On the other side of the lake stood a fine illuminated castle, from which came the merry music of horns and trumpets.