Burro Eddie was eating mesquite beans off a bush across the wash from The Dark.
They especially liked to make a sweet mush of buffalo marrow mixed with crushed mesquite beans.
"People find themselves shin-deep in mesquite beans they don't know what to do with, and some of us feel guilty throwing them into the landfill."
Most stored food consisted of mesquite beans and cacti and forb seeds.
A number of wild plants there harvested including mesquite beans and cactus fruit.
Texas Traditions, a fledgling company in the hill country near Austin, makes a golden jelly made from mesquite beans.
Each one brought us his present of mesquite bean.
These residents likely used bedrock mortars found on the sides of the peak to grind mesquite beans and corn into flour.
Small bands of people traveled throughout the area, gathering plants such as cactus fruits, mesquite beans, acorns, and pine nuts.