Brian phoned down and a mess attendant brought the beers.
That fellow playing the flute told me about a prisoner who went bonkers and attacked a mess attendant.
It said two were identified, an African American and a Japanese mess attendant.
They are perfectly happy being cooks, steward's mates and mess attendants, he said.
But the stablehands don't have collars, and neither do the mess attendants.
They came up to play Krabacci with Wally, our mess attendant.
Lying quietly for a time, drinking wine provided by a friendly, bribable mess attendant, Bran felt both sad and happy.
A mess attendant brought Blutens dinner, did not make the usual queries about beverages or dessert, and left.
"Yes sir," said the mess attendant and went off, to return with the drink himself in a few minutes.
The mess attendant went off.