When challenged, Stokes was observed to defend herself against critics with messages claimed as containing accurate information by her sitters.
The message falsely claimed that a satiric message to parents about student truancies and homework problems was actually on the school's answering machine.
The messages claim to be from countries overseas where those services, like Paypal, do not operate.
The message claimed that the cross had not been damaged or destroyed but moved by a veteran who objected to the cross being on public land.
Or just what the message 12 Wilfiam C. Dietz claimed it was?
The message claims to include the specifications for something that will disrupt the gateways.
Observers disagreed whether the message was actually claiming responsibility for the attack.
The message on the billboard claims that immigrants will swell the population of the United States population to a half-billion.
"The message claims that the Klingons have offered to give us a discount on dilithium processing if we acknowledge the 'changeover.'"
A message at the bottom of each user-specific page claimed that the user was "in a pending, suspended or banned status".