Are the Russians once again succumbing to messianic dreams and great-power longings?
By finding our Mahdi we loosed upon the universe countless messianic dreams.
Not only for the assassination but guilty of the collapse of the messianic dream of peace that developed after Oslo.
But he is still a jumble of grand and messianic dreams, not all of them reassuring to the West.
He translated the settlers' messianic dreams into brick and mortar.
They want an end to guys in the desert with messianic dreams.
His were evidently messianic dreams, not unlike those of old Sharan Kang-he believed himself much more powerful than he actually was.
It was a messianic dream.
Toward the end of the 20th century we cannot have messianic dreams.
Years marked by messianic dreams and challenges, ecstasy and mourning, separations and reunions.