The principal hemodynamic, respiratory, hematological and metabolic parameters have remained with the norms.
Other environmental considerations such as radiation, gravity, noise, vibration, and lighting also factor into human physiological response in space, though not with the more immediate effect that the metabolic parameters have.
Effect of calcium and dairy foods in high protein, energy-restricted diets on weight loss and metabolic parameters in overweight adults.
Effect of magnesium treatment on glycemic control and metabolic parameters in NIDDM patients.
Counts and metabolic parameters reverted to approximately pre-SO 4 levels when sulphate was stopped.
Effects of coenzyme Q10 on arterial stiffness, metabolic parameters, and fatigue in obese subjects: a double-blind randomized controlled study.
Also, we have preliminary (unpublished) data demonstrating the effects of soy-derived phytoestrogens on several endocrine and metabolic parameters.
Given the limited human quantitative data that is available, these human metabolic parameters should be regarded only as a first approximation.
For the case of the typical volatile solute described here, the user only needs to input the water/air and oil/water partition coefficients and the metabolic parameters.
The helmet must analyze brain-wave patterns or metabolic parameters or who knows what, and then only accepts those that match the specifications put in there by whoever built these things.