The dance, a series of encounters and changed partners, had unlikely cupids hefting large antique metal arrows.
In the darkness, he could feel the shape of a small metal arrow - the floor indicator.
The metal arrow that showed the position of the elevator in the shaft pointed all the way over to the left of the dial.
He merely grasped the metal arrow, and it moved easily in his grasp.
The Shadow suspected that considerable strength must have been exerted by Blue Face in order to break the metal arrow.
A metal arrow beneath the sign had its tip touching the word DOWN.
This has led to the current designs which resemble a long metal arrow.
At the same time the Invaders (by means of a ratchet-and-pawl mechanism) dropped small metal arrows.
He then placed a thick metal arrow with metal vanes into the cannon.
The payload goes in the top, which in this case is the metal arrow.