The wood bleachers on the east side were replaced with new metal bleachers.
The front half of all three areas features seatbacks and arms, while the back half are simple metal bleachers.
The district installed new metal bleachers to replace the outdated wooden ones.
In the late 1970s, the original seventeen miles of wood seating was replaced with metal bleachers.
The present facility, complete with sky boxes, plastic seats, metal bleachers and a family picnic area, was dedicated on April 16, 1992.
The fields were empty, the season over, and my father sat alone on the top row of the metal bleachers.
Seating is all in metal bleachers, with 7 sections of 27 rows each on either side of the field.
Although there is no pavilion, there is a stage with metal bleachers.
We'd both be doing time on the damp metal bleachers, as I still hadn't remembered to buy the folding camp chairs.
Instead, inexpensive plastic seats attached to metal bleachers are positioned into place for scheduled events.