If the poles also carry optical fiber cable for telecommunications (metal conductors may not be used), capital expenditures by the power company may be further reduced.
The choice of the metal conductor to be used in an electrodynamic tether is determined by a variety of factors.
It applies to both metal conductors and circuit components (resistors) specifically made for this behaviour.
This causes the metal conductors in the lines to lengthen and sag between towers.
Copper has a higher ductility than alternate metal conductors with the exception of gold and silver.
The surface resistance in a thick metal conductor is proportional to the resistivity divided by the skin depth.
By using copper instead of other lower electrical energy-efficient metal conductors, less electricity needs to be generated to satisfy a given power demand.
Because the electron carries negative charge, the electron motion in a metal conductor is in the direction opposite to that of conventional (or electric) current.
It is often seen as a bluish (or other color) glow in the air adjacent to pointed metal conductors carrying high voltages.
Experiments are underway to see if the conductor can be replaced by a z-pinch plasma or liquid metal conductor in its place.