In 1991, W.S. Sampath, a professor at Colorado State University, patented a process for low-cost metal deposition within a vacuum.
A. Adjust the pH with HCl or H2SO4 and compare the "yield" as well as the quality of the metal deposition.
Constructing an integrated circuit, or any semiconductor device, requires a series of operations - photolithography, etching, metal deposition, and so on.
It is commonly used to characterize materials made by semiconductor doping, metal deposition, resistive paste printing, and glass coating.
Transfer-printing takes advantage of standard metal deposition, photolithography, and etching to create alignment marks on device substrates, commonly glass.
A multitude of surface reactions within this context have been explored including metal deposition, etching and patterning of surfaces by enzymes.
The purpose of the programme is to investigate environments favourable to metal deposition with a view to obtaining information conducive to exploration by private sector groups.
They used long stretched metallic wires as shadow masks during metal deposition.
This can for instance be used to create shapes that will prevent side walls of the resist being covered in the metal deposition stage.
By the 1870s, mechanical generators were being used; the larger currents that could be sustained by generators enabled substantial increases in the rate of metal deposition during electrotyping.