I found tracing-paper sketches, correspondence with the metal fabricator, 60 photos and a handwritten budget: $4,566.75, including $389.25 for the struggling young architect.
MIG is a full-service metal fabricator for the construction, medical, industrial, military and commercial industries.
Under Mr. Every, he said, "we've seen the company go through a major transition, from being basically a metal fabricator to being more plastics-oriented."
The company was one of the "oldest and largest metal fabricators" in Denver.
His father is the materials control manager at Goodhart & Sons, a metal fabricator in Lancaster.
"I didn't want to let anyone go, so we actually turned people with years of saw mill experience into metal fabricators," said Bell.
The firm houses a wide range of in-house skills, including architects, metal fabricators, carpenters, cabinet-makers and construction crew.
Rather, they are mining companies, refiners, metal fabricators, merchants and other hedgers seeking to insure their inventories against a decline in value.
But by 14 I'd pretty much decided to leave school and never turned up, working instead as a metal fabricator.
Her father retired as the president of the Simpson Engineering Company, a former metal fabricator there.