The fine tooling and heavy metal fastenings of his armor were visible even under their thick coating of dust.
All metal fastenings had disappeared through oxidation.
Even the metal fastenings on his handbags were shaped like wrapped strands of straw.
He brought his fire down slowly to the metal fastenings, then held it there as it slowly devoured the green fire.
No nails or metal fastenings were used in the cabin's construction.
Leather battle harnesses creaked, metal fastenings clanked, horses snorted and nickered, and men called out.
The deep brown leather panels are joined together by the metal fastenings used to make industrial conveyer belts.
The early gliders were made mainly of wood with metal fastenings, stays and control cables.
Each rider held a lance from which fluttered a small crimson and gray pennant, and the horses wore light armor of leather with metal fastenings.
In that same instant, there came a loud oath from the hall, and a heavy body crashed into the door, splintering boards and metal fastenings.