Amidst fears of a Hillsborough-like incident, fans attempted to climb over the metal fencing surrounding the away section.
He strode across the road and headed towards the quayside, leaning against the black metal fencing that ran along the embankment.
Philip crouched down behind a section of metal fencing, but Ransom beckoned to him.
Bales of barbed wire were stacked on the ground to one side, next to some sections of metal fencing.
Around the church grounds there was metal fencing on a granite base, and surrounding the building there was a garden.
Half of a photograph by Fukuhara might be taken up by corrugated metal fencing.
Philip reached the metal fencing outside the Adams house.
The city will spend $355,000 to create the lane and the four bulbs, which include metal fencing designed to make them more visible.
There are six level-V housing units surrounded by a twenty feet of stone wall and 10 feet of metal fencing.
Willie Bester's tight assemblage of car parts and metal fencing refers to drive-by police shootings.