There, compressed between each of the massive curved arches, behind the metal filigree of the cabinet doors, were hundreds of volumes from Hearst's private collection.
I am the right one, the one who knows, after all I press my forehead against the metal filigree, supported by the solid reality of the door.
It locked onto the delicate shell which surrounded Gemworld, and the fragile metal filigree held.
An exterior of pale-coloured glass draws inspiration from Korean ceramics and features accents of metal filigree.
As they moved around the Institute, looking up for the black metal filigree of a fire escape, Art realized that the silence was about to end.
Satinwood with black inlaid and metal filigree create the architectural shell.
Beyond the delicate metal filigree I could see the throngs of revelers and another wing of the building.
The south facing outer wall was mostly glass with complex metal filigree supporting it.
On the south side of the room was a heavy door with metal filigree on it and barred windows following the line of the balcony.
They're crafted from metal filigree.