A single metal hangar had been erected at one end of the runway, surrounded on three sides by a forbidding barbed-wire fence.
Other shots roared and echoed in the metal hangar, and in the gloom beyond the circle of light the shots flashed in inches-long tongues of fire.
Henri Villon's plane stood in front of a weathered metal hangar.
Far into the distance the silver flanks of the metal hangars along the shore glistened in the sunlight like an unattainable El Dorado.
Over the past several years, Wayne Kurker infuriated many Cape environmentalists when he expanded his Hyannis Marina by erecting corrugated metal hangars along the harbor.
These developments included a Cessna dealership, flying schools and other facilities such as the first metal hangars on the field.
In the distance, above two abandoned metal hangars, the outline of Mt. Doonerak was barely visible through the haze.
The airport had a small corrugated metal hangar with space for 3 small aircraft and a barnhouse.
Grenades and gunfire were used on a large group of prisoners after about 160 escaped from a metal hangar.
The aircraft received service, fuel, oil, or armaments under camouflage nets and corrugated metal hangars.