The ogre's snarl had reached deafening proportions when he saw the great metal hulk of the thing towering higher than the trees.
It was still a raging inferno, the blackened metal hulk appearing and disappearing in the very center of an orange cauldron.
One by one, the enormous metal hulks were glimmering to life as if awakening from a deep slumber.
My stick rocked the metal hulk and it rolled again.
Heller looked along the metal hulk and peered in.
Rusted metal hulks sat like giant insects along one side of the street.
A metal hulk, half doubled up, soon emerged and, with a lot of grinding and screeching in the joints, drew itself up straight.
Before him loomed a metal hulk, bathed in the oil that oozed down his stiltlike legs.
His cart is a bit battered, a metal hulk he hauls to and from home every day behind an equally battered yellow pickup truck.
Instantly the gentle river healed over its torn surface, leaving only one ripple-scar bent around the motionless metal hulk.