The pads of the cat's front feet protruded through the metal lattice hemming it in.
The lift arrived as she said the name, and the two people inside looked at her curiously through the metal lattice.
The fuel tank was filled with a honeycombed metal lattice that could not prevent a fire, but would prevent a more dangerous explosion.
Both wings had metal lattice spars and metal ribs with fabric covering.
You'll notice the metal lattice on your window.
The operatives responded smoothly, scanning the metal lattice above them for any sign of movement.
This is a single-story stone house with metal lattices on the windows.
I had found them all with windows either closed and sealed, or if open, with a stout grid of metal lattice.
These electrons are bound to the metal lattice but no longer to an individual atom.
Gallium attacks most other metals by diffusing into their metal lattice.