The metal can also oxidize to a fine powder in a fire.
The metal of your anode (positive electrode) must be oxidizing and dissolving in the solution.
Most metals (with a few exceptions, such as gold) oxidize freely when exposed to air.
He prefers to see the metal oxidize, darken and, he said, "look ancient."
In light of that complexity, there is no simple qualitative test that will distinguish which metal in the mix has oxidized to "rust."
Where it was riveted to the wall, metal had oxidized and leached out profusely, making the sewer bleed rust.
Ms. Miller retains some dark, smoky areas where the metal has oxidized from repeated firings.
They're very sensitive to marking, the soonest I've exposed them to intense light from my microscope the metal oxidizes very rapidly and just breaks down.
Some common metals oxidize extremely rapidly in air.
A white powder coating on the surface indicates that the metal has oxidized and has reached the end of its life.