Steel makers, for example, regularly ship furnace dust to metal recyclers, who remove valuable components including lead, zinc and other heavy metals.
John R. Adam & Sons Ltd of Glasgow, Scotland - metal recyclers.
Pacific Steel is also the country's largest metal recycler.
From 1996 to 1998, the company underwent a significant expansion, employing the strategy of acquiring and integrating regional metal recyclers throughout the United States.
Industry trends make it clear that metal recyclers are going to have to find ways to cope with more plastic.
Noting that it took metal recyclers several decades to refine techniques for separating different metals and alloys, he said that the plastics industry was just beginning the process.
Nexus is used by recycling centers, scrap yards, metal recyclers and exporters, smelting plants and paper processors across the United States.
The steel goes to a metal recycler.
I am in favor of recycling, but we need to clean up metal recyclers and a wide range of other industries.
There is one paper recycler, little plastics recycling, no metal recyclers and the only glass recycler in the country has recently closed down.