As he listened to her, he began to imagine the death and suffering . . . dark weeds growing in the ruins of towns, corroded metal and bones scattered across a plain of ash without contour.
The next day, the rubble is examined, and a burned skeleton forearm can be found - with pieces of metal scattered about.
It would, however, enable the more easily mined metal ores-conveniently scattered on top of the crusts or not very far below-to be smelted and exploited to make the tools necessary for digging deeper to the coal.
Harry crouched and studied the bits of metal scattered on the ice.
There were oddments of metal scattered about, poking up from the dirt that had blown over them.
A single dark column of smoke rose from one side of the clearing, while tiny bits of bright sunlight reflected from several pieces of white, painted metals, scattered around the clearing.
There is metal beyond our wildest dreams-iron, steel, rare metals, and rare earths-lying scattered about TKhut like pebbles.
Field said there was no sign of the landing craft, only bits and pieces of metal scattered among the rocks.