He walked outside and, in a daze of distress, slammed into a metal stanchion.
Alex felt a vibration travel up through his body and realized with horror that the metal stanchion holding the top cable was about to come loose.
As he reached the top, he saw several teams too busy bolting speakers to metal stanchions to pay attention to him.
The cement and the metal stanchions flew by, faster and faster.
The cobblestoned square was defined by a heavy black nautical chain looped between metal stanchions.
But investigators think he fell, hitting his head either on a metal stanchion that divides parking spaces or on the ground.
Police and metal stanchions blocked off the land from the public.
He held one of Fin's metal stanchions with one hand but otherwise looked quite comfortable in freefall.
They were huge vines, climbing the metal stanchions of the chamber, each one laden with gigantic tomatoes.
We're going to do it- Behind him, he heard a metal stanchion groan as the weight of the missile shifted.