Furthermore, a metal tang is usually incorporated into the pad assembly.
Only this wasn't a salt taste; it was cold and fresh, with a faint metal tang like blood.
The morning air held a metal tang, as though it had been on the fire too long.
Smell the syrup sweetness of the carrier mingled with the metal tang of blood.
The blood in her mouth had a salty metal tang to it.
There was a copper taste in my mouth; the metal tang of blood and fear.
Her sword flicked out in feints and jabs, and metal tang on wood as Teldin blocked her attacks with his spear.
She playfully pulled a few strands up to her mouth, tasting the metal tang of its exotic alloys.
The handle and guard had been removed, and the metal tang was wrapped in black electrician's tape.
One-pronged pommels with the metal tang protruding out from the center of the hilt have been reported.