Even during the biggest festa of the year, you heard not a single tarantella on the street, only heavy metal tapes.
She released the button and I could hear the metal tape sing as she brought it zinging back to her hand.
He will play the heavy metal tapes in the locker room with a Walkman and earphones before games.
A tiny metal tape stretched between The Shadow's fingers.
Looking down, he saw a metal tape unrolling on its way to the deck.
The recording on the metal tape was a mirror image of the video signal.
The train was suspended above what looked like a metal tape and touched nothing as it sped through the tunnel.
I'll use the metal tape that's holding this load together; there's plenty of it.
A small reel of mylar tape provided separation from the metal tape and the read/write head.
The metal tapes also were dirty and a slowly renewed felt wiper collected tape debris.