An old lady, with bright blue eyes behind round, metal-framed glasses was lying in bed.
He wore round metal-framed glasses that made his face look even younger than it was.
Mullin had removed his .45 automatic, his pilot's cap, and his black metal-framed glasses.
Then he removed his signature oversized, metal-framed glasses and began to read the manifesto.
He put on a pair of metal-framed glasses and began to read.
In effect, the street wall creates two screens: one of metal-framed glass, a second of Parisian reflections.
"I'm just freaked about the thought that maybe I'll grow up and try drugs once and get addicted," said Jeong-A, a 10-year-old with round metal-framed glasses.
He wore large metal-framed glasses with yellow lenses.
He fished a pair of metal-framed glasses out of his pocket, perched them on his nose and held the card a foot away from them.
The Japanese man with the plaid shirt and metal-framed glasses blinked furiously.