The president's voice, he said, has a vaguely metallic quality that he must not allow to grow shrill.
His voice had a resonant, metallic quality, not quite human.
It has a crisp metallic quality that you don't find with Mies.
His speaking voice has a metallic quality, like a very high-speaking tenor.
The shimmer took on a metallic quality, like a hovering, vertical puddle of mercury.
It spoke crisply, with an unpleasant metallic quality of tone.
There was a metallic quality to the voice that Grimaldi had never heard before.
There was a hard metallic quality in his voice that had nothing to do with the telephone.
'You're not frightened,' he said, and his voice had an extraordinary metallic quality; it was as if he were speaking from a great distance.
Her voice was edged by a sharp, metallic quality.