Possibly he had misread the metallic sheets, selected the wrong index.
Beneath him, shadowy land plunged to a bay and, beyond, the vast metallic sheet of a calm Pacific.
In its rim it must have a 10 centimetres wide metallic sheet.
It must also have metallic sheets in its rims.
Zee then placed before me other metallic sheets, on which, in my writing, words first, and then sentences, were inscribed.
You observe whole metallic sheets strewn across the regolith.
When the magnet moves over an electrically conducting metallic sheet, a repulsion is created that results in levitation.
On the exterior, the owners can deploy a metallic thermal sheet.
Most of the roofing was traditional wooden trusses covered with metallic sheets.
Several are wrapped in blue flannel blankets; one woman is in a shiny metallic sheet as an aid worker speaks to her.