In 2009, the sculpture was still well maintained, with minor rusting of the metal and chipped paint revealing the metallic wire underneath.
The electric lights caught strands of gold and copper, like metallic wire through the deep brown of his hair.
The current carrying capacity of a via is much less than a metallic wire of same length.
The outer shields of the Leiden jars rest on two brass disks electrically connected by a metallic wire, which passes along the base.
Koebel held up what looked like a plastic headband supporting an openwork skullcap of metallic wires.
A shiny thread, like a metallic wire, lay flat on her motionless face, from eye corner to mouth corner.
A metallic diffusive wire has the Fano factor equals 1/3 independently on the geometry and the details of the material.
They used long stretched metallic wires as shadow masks during metal deposition.
His hands were secured behind his back with lengths of stiff, naked metallic wire that cut into his wrists.
Gingerly, he pulled the metallic wires from the metal wall.