One of Otis's most famous early works showed a scene inside a metalworking shop, probably a reflection of his years as an apprentice.
He acquired the shop, which was previously a metalworking shop, around 1960.
By early 1843, Harris had moved back to Knoxville to operate a metalworking shop.
A metalworking shop established by Shmuel Oppenheim repaired damaged weapons and constructed new ones from spare parts.
It started out as a metalworking shop and was named Kraftfahrzeug Trunkenpolz Mattighofen.
Cascades of sparks poured from a metalworking shop, where men smoked silently from hookahs.
Light machine oil and burnt metal, like the smell of a metalworking shop.
Oh, no, he protests in the dream, Hauptsturmfuhrer Brandt needs me in the metalworking shop.
Fedders was founded in Buffalo in 1896 as a metalworking shop.