Based on a melody by Crüger from 1646, it takes as metaphor a ship being brought safely to port, marking the end of the metaphorical journey in the cantata.
The characters' metaphorical internal journeys are reflected in literal external journeys throughout the plot.
Some classical zen gardens, like Daisen-in, have symbolism that can be easily read; it is a metaphorical journey on the river of life.
The soldiers head into the forest to hunt a tiger, on a metaphorical journey toward the death of the old regime.
And what is Ginocchio searching for on its metaphorical journey?
"It's a lyrical and slightly metaphorical surreal journey through the city of Angels, from downtown Los Angeles to Santa Monica Pier", Leto said.
It is these metaphorical journeys that one sees on the walls of their tombs: the dead sailing the river in search of a promise.
The accident, aftermath and boat form the metaphorical journey to recovery detailed in his book.
"So even if they know an individual is about to die, might they not speak of that individual undertaking a metaphorical or spiritual journey beyond death?"
The film serves as a metaphorical journey through the 1960s in London.