As one critic said, she usually looks into metaphorical possibilities and implications inherent in daily life.
Those metaphorical possibilities are dangled throughout the film, whose ending, although melodramatic, leaves the mysteries frustratingly unresolved.
Conservative politicians quickly saw rich metaphorical possibilities.
Few other works on view this summer are as redolent of metaphorical possibilities.
Nevertheless the setting is rich which metaphorical possibilities.
They give her work a comedically over-pitched strangeness that stirs up a wealth of metaphorical possibilities.
The idea could open up a world of metaphorical possibilities for the fiction writer, but I'd rather take it more literally.
You look at things that are rich in metaphorical possibilities.
The many metaphorical possibilities make the lion a great choice for a songwriter to paint stories with.
It is hard to imagine a sculptor more sympathetic than Puryear to the metaphorical and sculptural possibilities of wood.