Derek McLane's set, a vulgar apartment surrounded by blue sky and billowing clouds, puts the play in proper metaphysical perspective.
Her book is still in demand today and is often quoted by contemporary writers discussing the metaphysical perspectives of Beethoven's life and work.
"Perhaps so, from a metaphysical perspective," Picard said evenly and without a pause.
The dialogues between Settembrini and Naphta discuss the theme of life and death from a metaphysical perspective.
Mr. Fugard seems to want us to take the long view now, which is to say, the metaphysical perspective.
In Setmana Santa (1971), through the images of the ritual procession, the author presents the myth of the Catholic Passion from a metaphysical perspective.
For her part, Cherry Jones sees the struggle from a metaphysical perspective.
It has also been pointed out that Mills' lectures and books "give a universal, metaphysical perspective on some of the most perplexing problems faced by men and women today."
Though Whitman's poems were little known in England at the time, Vaughan Williams was attracted to them for their ability to transcend both metaphysical and humanist perspectives.
Unlike Existentialism, which posits "being" as the fundamental reality, the essentialist ontology must be approached from a metaphysical perspective.