Monads are to the metaphysical realm what atoms are to the physical/phenomenal.
But by 1969, Kuramata was reaching toward a more metaphysical realm.
The delicate tremors reached him on the physical plane first, and without conscious thought he sought their echo in the metaphysical realm.
He only knew that the yearning he felt for a mate extended into the metaphysical realm.
He sent a warning crashing across the metaphysical realm even as he isolated the taint of the other and followed it.
In the metaphysical realm the dark, unwholesome power surged to new levels.
The two open doors seem to offer a mystical choice, the possibility of entry to some other metaphysical realm.
Despite all he had witnessed, there was still so much he did not understand about the metaphysical realm the Q inhabited.
This desolate place looked like none of the metaphysical realms he had explored in the past.