It follows the story of Murdoch, a middle-aged man who takes to his bed for "metaphysical reasons".
I don't know if I passed out or if I just lost time for some metaphysical reason.
Phaethon knew of schools who disapproved of the use of pseudo-matter for aesthetic and metaphysical reasons; he felt a momentary sympathy for them then.
Her name was Mouse, and I could only assume that she had been given it for some metaphysical reason, as it certainly wasn't suited either to appearance or personality.
It's a place that I prefer not just for reasons of class, but for metaphysical or mythical reasons as well.
Like any other scientific theory, it may initially be put forward for aesthetic or metaphysical reasons, but the real test is whether it makes predictions that agree with observation.
Mystical literature, based on Kabbalah, gives its own metaphysical reasons for the mitzvot.
So Mulla Sadra's school is transcendent for both historical and metaphysical reasons.
Pittsburgh Penguins: Here's an article breaking down both the physical and metaphysical reasons for Sid Crosby having such a dominant backhand, with input from a bunch of different players.
Kabbalah gives its own metaphysical reason for the generational descent.