The country's meteorological agency predicted a 12-foot tidal surge and winds up to 125 miles per hour.
In December the meteorological agency convened a conference of earthquake and volcano specialists to discuss the situation.
Local meteorological agencies on the islands also declared small craft advisories.
The meteorological agency estimates a wind speed for the tornado at more than F2 on the Fujita scale.
Various other meteorological agencies across the world use breakpoints as well, though to a lesser extent than the three agencies discussed above.
Many other global atmospheric models are run by national meteorological agencies.
NASA, which is not a meteorological agency, thought that the system was a subtropical cyclone.
An official at Japan's meteorological agency said the storm weakened as it moved along the eastern coast, preventing heavier damage.
The meteorological agency announced that heavy rain and strong winds would affect the nation for three days, beginning on 7 August.
Two instability events had been identified in the greater Sydney area, but both were considered minor by the meteorological agencies.