So please let me say once again that the point is not letting The Wait for the meteorological event stress you out.
This is considered to be the most dramatic meteorological event in the stratosphere.
These aircraft are used to study meteorological events such as hurricanes and typhoons.
On some days, the Weather Focus could be a photo of a rare meteorological event.
A rare meteorological event brings a period of intense cold and snow to Hili-li.
Storms are a meteorological event that can be studied to advance the science of meteorology.
The drop in temperature has also earned this meteorological event the title "pneumonia front."
This is as a direct result of an unusual meteorological event, the August 2000 storm.
The astronomical and meteorological events that were taken as portents of the city's fall are confounded.
Some meteorological event in the past stopped the rain cycle; over time, the rocks drained this planet dry.