Higher accuracy than meteorological measurements can provide.
July 2006 was the warmest in Poland since the beginning of the meteorological measurements (from 1779).
October 2006 is also inscribed as one of the warmer in the history of meteorological measurements, as well as very dry.
In addition to lighthouse duties, the staff also conducted meteorological measurements on an ongoing basis.
On board the fleet, where he was second in command, he was responsible for meteorological and hydrographic measurements.
In 1979 when the satellite era began, meteorological measurements became far more frequent.
Pieter and Arjen took meteorological measurements and made instruments to accomplish this.
The Falkenberg Mast is a 99m guyed tower for meteorological measurements.
Though urban heat-island effects can cause great warming in the center of a city, this is not where meteorological measurements are usually taken.
Guyed masts are sometimes also used for meteorological measurements at certain heights above ground level.