He is credited with founding meteorological research in Norway.
This is the beginning of China's modern meteorological research.
Their scientific work includes meteorological, seismic, biological and geological research.
This technology is already used in meteorological research to see thermals.
They are desperate to get as close as possible to raging tornadoes, all for the sake of meteorological research.
Several papers have been written on the use of the Spotter Network in meteorological research and operations such as:
The company's early years were spent marketing three-dimensional software tools used by scientists in medical, geological and meteorological research.
Funding for meteorological research became scarce during late 1980s, as the Soviet Union was collapsing.
In 1950, he became executive director of the Munitalp Foundation Inc., which did meteorological research.
Sponholz has distinguished himself in the field of meteorological research serving on two expeditions to Antarctica.