"World's Turning" is therefore best heard as a mystic's contemplation on nature's moods rather than a series of meteorological studies.
In the early 1930s the first significant meteorological studies were carried out on the interior of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
In 1987 it was moved to 129 West, where it operated until it became unusable for meteorological studies in 1989.
Thus, forest ecological studies are sometimes closely aligned with meteorological and hydrological studies in regional ecosystem or resource planning studies.
He collaborated on meteorological studies with the Smithsonian Institution beginning in 1846.
Timothy P. Marshall, P.E. is a damage analyst and civil engineer who has worked in meteorological studies.
The results of the meteorological study were later published in a book on California's climate.
He is considered one of the pioneers of tropical meteorological study.
Water vapour is a very important gas for meteorological and climatological studies, because of the latent heat it carries in transport.
He was also one of the first to carry out meteorological studies in Peru, traveling extensively in desolate areas at very high altitude.