Within ten years, it was a solidly meteorological term throughout much of the English speaking world.
Learn more meteorological terms and how they are used here.
There has been, Mr. Brendel points out, an interpretation of Beethoven's phrasing in meteorological terms.
They are meteorological terms, Miss Ariel,?
Seasons, though, are not always defined in meteorological terms.
A meteorological term referring to a semi-permanent, subtropical anticyclone:
Wintry showers is a somewhat informal meteorological term, used primarily in the United Kingdom, to refer to various mixtures of rain, graupel and snow.
The "bomb" name may lead to confusion with the more strictly defined meteorological term.
But he said that April was expected to be normal, which in meteorological terms means not much colder or wetter than usual.
Wind run is a meteorological term used to categorize or determine the total distance (or amount) of the traveled wind over a period of time.