To his chagrin, the red light obstinately refused to glow, and the meter needle barely moved.
Meters which feature a shunt across the winding such as an ammeter may not require further resistance to arrest uncontrolled movements of the meter needle because of the low resistance of the shunt.
The array of lights from LED that appears to move to left or right seems better than the meter needle of the early meter tuners.
Usually, you turned either the aperture ring or the shutter-speed dial to match the meter needle to a preset mark.
Because the magnetic field is polarised, the meter needle acts in opposite directions for each direction of current.
The meter needle, to be aligned with an index triangle, is visible both in a top plate window and to the right in the viewfinder.
The meter needle was visible in the finder as well as on the top plate from the outside.
The user needed to push a button on the front of the camera to close the aperture, and then set the aperture ring on the lens to a value where the meter needle would fit inside a marker ring.
There was a crackling and hissing of instruments and luminous meter needles danced wildly across the semi-dark scales.
The aperture needle disappears from the meter display, and the meter needle indicates what aperture the AE system has selected.