The crane had a lifting capacity of 15 tons at three meter radius.
There were more of the aliens scattered around within a hundred meter radius, all armed with strange but impressive-looking weapons.
The wreckage was strewn across a 400 meter radius, Gazeta reports, and investigators were initially able to recover only 30 bodies.
Each individual wolf is not very intelligent alone, but they all possesses the ability to "hear" the thoughts of other wolves in about a 10 meter radius.
Within the chamber are two hemispheres of 5 meter radii, made of perforated aluminum.
The only restriction is that people in possession of drugs should not be within a 300 meter radius of schools, police departments, or correctional facilities.
At that moment the car, filled with 50 kilograms of dynamite, exploded, damaging everything within a 300 meter radius around it.
It can only be active within a 2-3 meter radius from Jotaro.
Usually people in a 15 meter radius are injured enough to effectively render them harmless.
In this case, they should dump the grey water (strained of food particles) within a three meter radius of the outhouse.